Wednesday, 24 August 2011


So today I am going to cook for my Welsh family.   Cooking you say?  What the hell,... I CANT COOK.  I have been given fool proof recipes.. its a is not fool proof.  I proved that one properly.  I am going to get some assistance by Rob and by Sasha.  Sasha however, is not going to focus cos her Clinton is back in town and I can assure you my food is not first and foremost on that cows mind.  11 mouths to feed and I want to do the smart thing and make it a 3 course meal.  Dear Lord, Bless em all cos they are going to need it...

I really have no cooking clue as to what I must do.. Am throwing thoughts around but thats about it..THOUGHTS...  hmmmm ABOUT THAT.....LOL...only kidding...  The fact that the Camel Man is going to be helping me today  *sigh*  *sigh* is all I can say....

Still worried about Kathy although I know she is in good hands with the surgeon.

Fuckit...,I really really need to go back on diet and back to riding my bicycle. Aaarg week ok..

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