Sunday, 9 October 2011

Do I or dont I

Uhm hello after a couple of 3year old brandys I DOUBT whether I should send a drunk blog.... so excuse the errors ok.  I am going backwards and forwards to correct it but soon my eyes will go small and well, then its gonna be bad.  I have just come home from a braai at Bones house to say goodbye to Rob the camel man.  Unfortunately Bones started gving me brandy and well....the rest is history.   Think about this shit...I had a friend put in rehab due to alcohol and here I am doing what people do when there is a braai going and the booze is flowing..  Weak I know but ..... I have an excuse (dont we all acutally)... wait let me light a ciggy (another STERLING HABIT) before I resume.  Right, ciggy lit here we go.

NO DRAMA and it was weekend.  What is happening people..... Kidding...Hnag on ....gonna get an ashtray....Oh and change channels for a friend parking off in the lounge....It has NOT been drama free at all.  You see, I get calls and sms from various people with regard to a hectic situation.  There are a couple of us involved in all of this with regard to sorting out problems for a very close friend.  You then get obnoxious people that have mean and nasty things to say with regard to that person and well it actually pisses us all off.  If you have nothing to say that you have no facts about then dont open your weak mouth cos people in glass houses should not throw stones.  My advice to all....if you say something to say have someone to back you up on what you are saying or shut the fuck up....or wear a pink flower in your hair cos it makes you look hot....

Oh I had my hair lobbed off....real short due to bleach and a bad hairdresser.  OMG I think I look like a man but apparently not... however, I think they say that cos they are pretty scared that I have not taken my Xanax and will go off and moer them or something....who knows....

Well as a pissed individual, I dont know how I am gonna feel reading this blog tomorrow.  I might even answer myself and say what the hell...doubt it....

Sasha or Trevor better make me that coffee now...or else........ love ya all and sleep welll

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