Friday, 7 October 2011

Pussy galore

Oh my word, my lil Princess Poncho and 3 beautiful kittens....and YES YES YES the Ryk Neethling of cats is the kittens daddy.. Gotta say I am absolutely pleased beyond belief because of that.  At least now I know they will be gorgeous cats.  So now, with Ciska, Ponco, Ryk Neethling (although he is only hanging around outside) and the 3 cute lil kittens I have a full house.  I need to take time out to negotiate with Ryk about his paternal duties and of course find out whether he will be supporting his offspring.  You know, even in the animal world we have problems with the men.  I think women should change..... I think we should all (women that is) carry a club, if you see a nice man, lob him over the head with it, drag the bastard home, and well, use him proper.  Make sure he goes to work and supports the family, and when he comes home he must be ready to have a conversation with you about what YOU want to discuss....OMG..I doubt THAT is ever gonna happen...

The weekend is upon us and I have a splitting headache.  Have had it for 3 days.  It has a name but I dont want to say it here..LOL.... With regard to rehab, we have to sort so many things out that we know we deal with on a monthly basis but doing it for someone else is tough.  Its very very tough making decisions for a friend and just hoping and praying you are making the right decision.  Do I feel guilty about having her put away...YES. Should I feel guilty..probably NO.  I think she knows she was heading where she is now, at least this way it was taken out of her hands so in a way less embarrassing I suppose. I dunno... I just know that I dont feel so good... It had to be done however so then I know I did the right thing. I think this constant wrestling match I am having with myself in my head is causing all this headache.

So, I am going to a party on sat... A welcome back to SA party for Yvette and then on Sunday I am going to a farewell braai for Rob, my camel man.  A good bye handsome come back to SA soon party.  Gees all these comings and goings, imagine if wind pollination made a person pregnant....holy shit.....RUN EVERYONE RUN RUN RUN!!

Before I forget, I saw Trevor Westman and Aran van Niekerk (my son) on Supersport 2 on TV last night racing superbikes.  Was awesome and scary at the same time.  I only watch from the clubhouse balcony cos thats easy access to Vodka and to only see the back straight...... Having seen the races on TV,  I just wanna say these kids have balls of steel man... real balls of steel.. And now I know I can justify standing on the balcony.  I scream and scream and loose my voice when Aran races. I know he cant hear me but he sure as shit can see I am cheering em on......
Oh shit and Nicks thats Arans lil brother is racing his last race this season.  I am so hoping he is going to kick arse on Saturday.  GO Nicks go, its yours, its in the bag take it son!!!!  And show em who the champ is my love.  You can do it Nicks,... You can do it...

Oh gosh all this bike talk and I have not even mentioned my diet...WTF is that....and the most important thing...My nails.  One broke, real bad, short short break and so I got so angry and bit the rest off.  I now have no flippen nails... grrrrrrrrr  Short hair, short nails. bugger the diet..... whats happening to me, am I becoming a manic depressive...Oh hell no... I will put on stilettos and move forward.  You will see, its always nice to see Barbie all dressed up...LOL

Have a good weekend people and see ya all on Monday  xoxo

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