Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Stilettos and Killarney

Well now well well well, what a day.  First we had to go to a Breast Cancer Awareness function that Sasha had organised.  I tell you, I cannot help but be impressed by that girl.  She did an awesome job and of course reduced us to tears cos we are all so damn proud of her.  After sitting on a pink coffin and smoking, it was time to go to Killarney where Aran was having a tough day.  He had to do qualifying and them him and Nicolas had to dash away to go to their Grans cremation service and then come back and race.  Aran placed 3rd both races and he even got rider of the day.... You go my boy.  The problem as we all know is Killarney is Vodka day for me.  Yes yes people, stop moaning ... its once a month that I drink for heavens sake.  Uhm I dunno how to say this actually.  You see there is a problem now as there is caramel vodka and chocolate vodka and then there is Rhiannon vodka.  Ya the last one is lethal cos she loves the shots the most.  Her and hubby Gareth had no qualms is contributing to my inebriated state.  Hell no we were calling for shooters and well, as you can just imagine, my legs start to move.  I think I am like that penguin  *happy feet*..  Shit I can shovel with the rest of you like no ones business man.  I drink, I got the dancing shoes on.... No falling.. that is a no no.  Its not like its something I want to do....it kinda happens but it hasnt for a very long time.

After Killarney, we went to celebrate Gareths' birthday.  Ok so it wasn't up to what other people call a party but really.... drink alot of Vodka and you think you ARE the party. ... Went to collect some wine at my house.... (REALLY.????.. WINE AFTER ALL THAT VODKA!!!!)  (oh please show me an intellegent drunk ok and I will show you a long tit).. anyhow, we went to party with the music blaring and Rhiannon and Gareth taking turns to dance.... ya I THINK she even did the running man...or did he?  NOT to sure.

Here comes the problem.  Those Vases we were drinking out of should not have been so big.  After a while I felt really ill, as in I wanna puke.  I asked Rhiannon to please get me a bucket, (after all I want to be an elegant drunk and puke in a ladylike manner)....I tell you what....it was the most disappointing puke of my life. 4 slap chips is what came out.... 4 fucken slap chips.  Now I ask you with tears in my eyes.... what the hell happened.... I was hoping against all hope that I would get the stomach bug and do the projectile thing but nooooooo..... 4 fucken chips.  Then Rhiannon, who really doesn't know me THAT well just goes down on me!!!! I mean she snuck off to go and pass out and leave me with poor Gareth..  My word. Ok so it was not the bug....., I did puke elegantly.  I walked up straight, went home, slept, drank 2 litres of Cream Soda (green ambulance) went out for dinner and finally 2 days later, I feel better.

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